Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday Hero 9-12-12

Thanks to Chris at: who faithfully puts tons of work into writing these Wednesday Hero posts for us...

This Post Was Suggested By Michael
1st Lt. Alexander Bonnyman, Jr.
1st Lt. Alexander Bonnyman, Jr. 33 years old from Knoxville, Tennessee 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines, 2nd Marine Division May 2, 1910 - Nov 23, 1943

U.S. Marines

Alexander Bonnyman didn't have to go to war. Because of his age and the fact that he was running a company that was producing material that was vital to the war effort, Bonnyman was exempt from military obligation. But he enlisted anyway. Though it wasn't his first stint the military. A few year before he was in the Army Air Forces but was washed out after only three months for buzzing too many control towers.
You can read more about 1st. Lt. Bonnyman here These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives just so others may get to enjoy freedom. For that I am proud to call them Hero. Those Who Say That We're In A Time When There Are No Heroes, They Just Don't Know Where To Look This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
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